Creative ways to get active

Are you interested in finding creative ways to be active on a budget? Check out these ideas on how to get active (no gym required).

Becoming more active can be a hassle if you have to purchase a pricey gym membership or drive more than 10 minutes to the gym. Plus, when life gets hectic, exercise might be the last thing on your mind. Check out these fun and creative ways to get active (no gym required).

9545400_MBreak out the bike. Biking to the grocery store, work or other close locations will jumpstart your metabolism and give you more energy throughout the day. Plus, you will save money on gas or public transportation. If you don’t own a bike, perhaps you can borrow one from a friend or rent one at a local bike shop.

Take the stairs. While it may be easier to take the elevator, taking the stairs as often as you can is much better for your health. This activity is easy, convenient and requires no extra equipment. Taking the stairs has been proven to improve heart health, reduce cholesterol and relieve stress. You might even live longer by taking the stairs!

Dance in private places. Dancing in your room or kitchen can improve your mood immensely. If you are feeling up to it, invite some friends over and play some music while dancing around together. You will burn those calories in no time!

Clean the house. Believe it or not, cleaning the house can burn a significant number of calories. Also, activities like mowing the lawn, walking the dog or sweeping can get you up and moving. Remember — the best way to be healthy and happy is to avoid being a couch potato.

Make it fun. Whatever way you choose to be active, make it something fun and enjoyable. The best way to build healthy habits is to enjoy what you’re doing and make friends along the way. The best way to find something you love is to just go for it! You’ll never know until you try.

Healthy breakfast recipes for seniors

Seniors: Breakfast is still the most important meal of the day. Check out these healthy breakfast recipes!

Preparing a nutritious breakfast is no less important for a senior than it is for a parent with young children. Either way, a good breakfast gets the day off to the right start! The first step is to buy fresh and healthy ingredients to use as a matter of routine. From there, follow these healthy recipe tips:

Banana split oatmeal

  • 1⁄3 cup quick-cooking oatmeal
  • 1⁄8 teaspoon salt
  • 3⁄4 cups hot water
  • 1⁄2 banana (sliced)
  • 1⁄2 cup non-fat frozen yogurt (optional)

Mix together the oatmeal, salt and water in a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave on high for one minute, stir, and then microwave for another minute. Top with banana slices and frozen yogurt. This is an easy breakfast option that only takes about five minutes to prepare.

Keto (no-carb low-fat) sausage breakfast sandwich

  • 6 large eggs
  • 2 tbsp. heavy cream
  • Pinch red pepper flakes
  • Kosher salt
  • Black pepper
  • 1 tbsp. butter
  • 3 slices of cheddar
  • 6 frozen sausage patties
  • Sliced avocado

In a small bowl, beat the eggs, heavy cream and red pepper flakes together. Season the mixture with a bit of salt and pepper. Melt the butter in a nonstick skillet over medium heat. Pour about 1/3 of the egg mixture into the skillet and place a slice of cheese in the middle for about one minute. Fold the sides of the egg into the middle to cover the cheese. Repeat two more times to make two more egg/cheese packets. Serve each between two sausage patties with sliced avocado. This is the perfect high-protein breakfast to jump-start your day! Eggs offer nine essential amino acids that your body could not get otherwise. Serves 3.

Breakfast barley

  • 2/3 cups water
  • 1/3 cup quick-cooking pearl barley
  • 1 banana (sliced)
  • 1 tbsp. unsalted sunflower seeds
  • 1 tsp. honey

Combine the water and barley in a small, microwavable bowl. Microwave the mixture on high for six minutes. Stir and let stand for up to two minutes. Top the barley with banana slices, sunflower seeds and honey. Happy healthy eating!

How seniors can benefit from meditation

Meditation is the perfect practice for seniors because it has been proven to reduce the effects of degenerative diseases and relieve stress. If you meditate for just 20 minutes per day, you may reap the benefits.

Meditation is the practice of focusing your mind to feel peace in the present moment and clarity of mind. Although meditation can be beneficial for those of all ages, it can be particularly helpful for seniors who want to focus on their mental, physical and emotional health. Meditation also has been proven to reduce the risk of degenerative diseases and to calm the digestive system. Here are some of the benefits:

48954944_MHelp restore memory. Meditation can help restore memory because both the hippocampus and frontal lobe become stimulated during the practice. These parts of the brain are essential for both short- and long-term memory. When seniors practice meditation, they are more likely to clearly recall old memories.

Slow degenerative disease. Meditation can slow down and prevent the progression of Alzheimer’s disease in seniors. Although more than 50 percent of all people over the age of 85 have a form a dementia, it can be prevented in some cases. Anxiety, stress and depression also may benefit from meditation.

Improve digestive system. Meditation can jumpstart your digestive system by improving circulation of oxygen-rich blood. When this blood reaches the the stomach and intestines, your digestive system will improve. This is especially important to consider if you have been taking medication that has damaged your digestive system.

Promote relaxation. With the hustle and bustle of your day-to-day life, it may be difficult to find time to relax. With meditation, it is much easier to clear your head and prioritize your thoughts. By taking just 20 minutes out of your day to commit to meditation, you will experience less stress and perhaps find a new perspective.

Eat well to live better as you live longer

Check out this list of super foods to keep your heart healthy!

By incorporating heart healthy foods into your diet, you can reduce you risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. You will not only lose weight, but feel better in the process. Check out these foods to add to your shopping list:

52700155 - almond

Fish. Fish such as salmon, tuna and trout are high in omega 3′s, or the “good” fats. Fish also is high in protein.

Almonds. If you are hungry, but in a hurry, grab a small handful of almonds to curb your hunger and promote weight loss. Almonds contain healthy fats, fiber, protein and essential vitamins. They have been proven to lower blood sugar levels, blood pressure and cholesterol.

Fruits and veggies. You can never go wrong with fruits and veggies. Not only are they loaded with vitamins and minerals, they are yummy! When you are out shopping, consider picking up some apples. berries, broccoli, bell peppers, celery and grapes.

Beans and grains. Beans and grains are cheap and easy foods that provide you with the right amount of fiber and have been proven to lower your cholesterol. If you are a vegetarian, beans are a must-have, staple item food to ensure you are getting the protein and fiber your body needs.

Oatmeal. Oatmeal is warm, comforting and jam-packed full of nutrients. Sprinkle a bit of brown sugar and honey on top and you are good to go!

Dark chocolate. Who says you can’t indulge? Dark chocolate can be good for you in small doses if it is at least 70 percent cocoa. Little known fact: dark chocolate, which is made from the cocoa beans of a cocoa tree, is one of the most powerful source of antioxidants!

The list doesn’t end here. Try out some heart healthy foods and experiment with what you like. You’re never too old to begin eating well. Live better as you live longer.


The best yoga positions for sciatica pain

Yoga is the perfect, relaxing exercise for seniors. These positions have been proven to help ease pesky sciatica pain.

Sciatica pain, characterized by a tingling sensation and pain running down the legs and back, can strike at any time — especially as you get older. Although anti-inflammatories may temporarily ease the pain, it’s better to get to the root of the problem. These simple yoga positions have been proven to help ease and prevent sciatica pain:

33926504_MBharadvaja’s twist. This position gently twists the upper body, stretching the spine and invigorating the abdominal organs. To do this position, simply sit on the floor with your legs right in front of you. Shift your weight to your right buttock, bend your knees and bring your legs to the left. Keep your feet next to your left hip, and rest your left ankle on your right arch. Inhale, lengthen your torso and twist your torso to the right, keeping the left buttock on the floor.

Prone Reverse Clam. This relaxing position helps those who have external rotation in their thighs. To do this position, lie face down on your stomach and bend your elbows to the sides while resting your forehead on your hands. Bend your knees and internally rotate your thighs to bring them back to parallel. Repeat.

Dolphin pose. This position has been proven to strengthen the core and arms while stretching the shoulders. To do this position, come to the floor on your hands and knees, set your knees below your hips and forearms on the floor with your shoulders above your wrists. Press your palms together and your forearms into the floor. Exhale and lift your knees away from the floor. Lift the sitting bones toward the ceiling.

Cow Face Variation. This position provides a stretch in the piriformis muscle, which relieves pressure built up in the sciatic nerve. To do this position, lie on your back with your knees bent with one thigh over the other. Bring your knees into the chest and hold. Breath deeply.

How to create a healthy grocery list

Creating a healthy grocery list can eliminate over-spending, shoppers guilt and over-processed foods. Why wait?

46404912_MGrocery shopping can be a time consuming and expensive task if you go to the grocery store unprepared. A grocery list is a great way to plan out your meals, keep track of what you are eating and to stick to your long-term health goals. Creating a grocery list can also minimize over-spending and shopper’s guilt. Follow these tips to create the perfect grocery list:

Plan before you go. Before you hit the grocery store, be sure to take a survey of what is already in your cabinets, fridge and freezer. To avoid buying what you already have, create a checklist and fill in the blanks when you head out to the grocery store. If you make this a habit, you will save time and money. You’ll also be surprised on how many meals you can prepare with what you already have on hand.

46404912_MOrganize your list. First, decide how to create and organize your list. You can create either a paper or electronic list, depending on preference. The best way to organize your list is to divide each food group into a specific section. Categories you could use include fruits, vegetables, protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats, dairy, condiments and beverages. By dividing your list into categories, you will be more likely to buy nutrient dense food instead of over-processed snacks.

Be realistic. If you are used to buying candy, chips and soda at the grocery store, it’s not likely you will break that habit overnight. Instead, implement small changes over time, perhaps cutting out candy first. Additionally, it is important to understand how much food you can actually consume to avoid buying too much. This is why taking an inventory and making a list is important.

As we get older, we’re sometimes set in our ways. But we encourage you to try some of these ideas. You might be surprised how much easier it is to eat healthy foods when we’ve planned — and purchased the ingredients — for healthy meals!

Spring cleaning tips for seniors

Spring is a great time to clean and declutter your home. Follow these tips to make the process fun and easy!

Spring is a great time to clean and declutter, so that the inside of your home matches the fresh world outside. Here are some tips for seniors on safe and effective spring cleaning techniques:

24172662 - bucket and wet mopClean out the medicine cabinet. Be sure to rid your medicine cabinet of medications that are no longer relevant. Check expiration dates to ensure medications are still good. If old prescription drugs are mixed with new, the results could be potentially fatal. Take the time to organize prescription drugs by labeling and storing them in a cool, dark and dry place.

Create a checklist. Creating a checklist of the tasks to be completed can make spring cleaning far less daunting. Although spring cleaning consists of general organizing and cleaning tasks, it’s good to be specific about exactly what you want to accomplish. Do you want to clean out the fridge? Or clean out the garage? Now is the time to decide.

Recruit helpers. If you have a house rather than an apartment, cleaning it alone may be impossible. Don’t be afraid to ask family members to help out. Although a full day of cleaning may not seem appealing, it can be fun if it’s a family event!

Avoid lifting heavy objects. Avoid moving heavy objects on your own, as you could injure your back. Also, avoid standing on unstable objects like chairs to reach high spots or to change light bulbs.

Consider relocation if necessary. If you complete the spring cleaning process and realize you are unhappy with your situation or in an unsafe environment, relocation could be the best option. This is the time in your life to feel safe and comfortable.


How seniors can get better sleep

No one enjoys functioning with little to no sleep. Seniors should follow these tips for more restful nights.

We’ve all been there, tossing and turning restlessly in bed at 4 a.m., waiting for sleep to come. Receiving the proper amount of sleep is essential for memory function and allows the body to repair any cell damage from the day. Most adults are recommended to get 7.5 to 9 hours of sleep per night. While some sleepless nights can’t be avoided, there are precautions you can take to get better sleep. Follow these tips:

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Identify the causes of poor sleep. Poor sleep may be caused by a variety of factors you do not notice while going through the day. Reasons for poor sleep may include psychological factors like anxiety, depression or traumatic experiences. Poor sleep also may be caused by factors in your home that contribute to an uncomfortable environment. Be sure to avoid falling asleep with the television on and take the time to make sure your room is dark, comfortable and quiet. Wind down before bed with a good book or another bedtime ritual.

Stick to a schedule. Going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day will result in better quality sleep, especially as you age. Consciously make an effort to stick to your schedule even on the weekends. It is also important to set your circadian rhythm to morning sunlight. Once you are awake, expose yourself to 15 to 30 minutes of sunlight in the morning, if possible.

Complete regular exercise. If you exercise at least 30 minutes at the same time every day, you will wear yourself out just in time to catch some Z’s. This exercise can include anything from walking, jogging or light yoga. However, avoid exercising within three hours of bed time. Exercising too close to bed time could have the opposite effect.

The best exercise programs for seniors

The struggle with finding an effective exercise program is finding one you’ll stick to. The most important thing is to make sure you are setting reasonable expectations and not focusing on major results as much as feeling good.

One of the keys to finding an effective exercise program is finding one you’ll embrace again and again until it becomes part of your weekly routine. It’s also important to set reasonable expectations and focus on feeling good more than on achieving major results. Here are some ideas:

35084423_MWalking. If you are a beginner, this is the exercise for you. Walking is low impact, can be done anywhere and requires little to no equipment. However, if you have not invested in a good pair of running shoes, now is the time to do so before you begin walking.

Wall push-ups. If you are aiming to increase strength in the chest and shoulders, this is a good exercise for you. To complete this exercise, stand about three feet away from a wall with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lean forward and bend your arms until you are in the plank position. Repeat 10 times.

Bike riding. Something as simple as riding a bike is great for cardiovascular health. As long as you have the means to purchase a bike, you can ride it anywhere! Plus, it will make you feel like a kid again!

Knee lifts. To complete this exercise, sit down in a chair with your arms resting on the armrests and lift your legs until your knees and thighs are two to three inches off of the seat. Complete eight to 10 reps.

Jogging. If you are in good physical shape, a slow jog is a healthy option. Be sure to start slowly and build up the time and distance you jog. Running with a friend may help build up motivation, too.

The incredible benefits of a daily walk

Walking has all kinds of benefits for seniors, from improved circulation to social interaction. What are you waiting for?

48109997 - happy seniors walking together in the parkSeniors: It’s time to get out and get walking, whether in the mall or, weather permitting, in the neighborhood. Did you know walking up to two miles per day can help you focus and process information better? According to studies, vascular cognitive improvement is apparent in those who walk three hours per week over six months. You don’t have to jump into walking right away. You can slowly build up to it and make daily changes. There are other health benefits of a daily walk:

Improved heart health. A daily walk can improve heart health because it allows you to get your heart rate up quickly, decreasing the risk of high blood pressure, cholesterol and heart disease.

Stop bone mass loss. Bones can become more fragile and breakable as we age. By incorporating a 30-minute daily walk into your routine, you could reduce the risk of a hip fracture by 40 percent. That’s huge!

Boost social interaction. Your daily walk could be a great way to make friends. Chat it up and get to know your neighbors and maybe even bring your dog along for the adventure! You also could join a walking group to ensure you don’t have to go it alone.

Improve circulation. Poor circulation can lead to heart problems and high blood pressure. It can also lead to swelling due to water retention throughout the body. Beat the bloating by going for a short walk every day! There’s science to back it up.

Stimulate endorphins. That’s right — any type of exercise can make you a happier and more productive person! The release of endorphins encourages mental stability. If you are feeling down, the best thing you can do is get out of the house!