The best yoga positions for sciatica pain

Yoga is the perfect, relaxing exercise for seniors. These positions have been proven to help ease pesky sciatica pain.

Sciatica pain, characterized by a tingling sensation and pain running down the legs and back, can strike at any time — especially as you get older. Although anti-inflammatories may temporarily ease the pain, it’s better to get to the root of the problem. These simple yoga positions have been proven to help ease and prevent sciatica pain:

33926504_MBharadvaja’s twist. This position gently twists the upper body, stretching the spine and invigorating the abdominal organs. To do this position, simply sit on the floor with your legs right in front of you. Shift your weight to your right buttock, bend your knees and bring your legs to the left. Keep your feet next to your left hip, and rest your left ankle on your right arch. Inhale, lengthen your torso and twist your torso to the right, keeping the left buttock on the floor.

Prone Reverse Clam. This relaxing position helps those who have external rotation in their thighs. To do this position, lie face down on your stomach and bend your elbows to the sides while resting your forehead on your hands. Bend your knees and internally rotate your thighs to bring them back to parallel. Repeat.

Dolphin pose. This position has been proven to strengthen the core and arms while stretching the shoulders. To do this position, come to the floor on your hands and knees, set your knees below your hips and forearms on the floor with your shoulders above your wrists. Press your palms together and your forearms into the floor. Exhale and lift your knees away from the floor. Lift the sitting bones toward the ceiling.

Cow Face Variation. This position provides a stretch in the piriformis muscle, which relieves pressure built up in the sciatic nerve. To do this position, lie on your back with your knees bent with one thigh over the other. Bring your knees into the chest and hold. Breath deeply.