The incredible benefits of a daily walk

Walking has all kinds of benefits for seniors, from improved circulation to social interaction. What are you waiting for?

48109997 - happy seniors walking together in the parkSeniors: It’s time to get out and get walking, whether in the mall or, weather permitting, in the neighborhood. Did you know walking up to two miles per day can help you focus and process information better? According to studies, vascular cognitive improvement is apparent in those who walk three hours per week over six months. You don’t have to jump into walking right away. You can slowly build up to it and make daily changes. There are other health benefits of a daily walk:

Improved heart health. A daily walk can improve heart health because it allows you to get your heart rate up quickly, decreasing the risk of high blood pressure, cholesterol and heart disease.

Stop bone mass loss. Bones can become more fragile and breakable as we age. By incorporating a 30-minute daily walk into your routine, you could reduce the risk of a hip fracture by 40 percent. That’s huge!

Boost social interaction. Your daily walk could be a great way to make friends. Chat it up and get to know your neighbors and maybe even bring your dog along for the adventure! You also could join a walking group to ensure you don’t have to go it alone.

Improve circulation. Poor circulation can lead to heart problems and high blood pressure. It can also lead to swelling due to water retention throughout the body. Beat the bloating by going for a short walk every day! There’s science to back it up.

Stimulate endorphins. That’s right — any type of exercise can make you a happier and more productive person! The release of endorphins encourages mental stability. If you are feeling down, the best thing you can do is get out of the house!