Simple strength training workouts for seniors

As you age, it’s important to not only make sure your heart is healthy. You also should build adequate muscle mass by incorporating strength training exercises.

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As you age, not only is it important to keep your heart healthy. You also need to make sure you are building adequate muscle mass by incorporating strength training into your exercise routine. Below are some exercises to strengthen your knees, glutes and biceps. Good luck!

Knee extensions. This exercise helps reduce the risk of falls by strengthening the knees and can be done with or without weights. To do the exercise, sit in a chair with your back straight and knees bent. Then, slowly extend your right leg out in front of you and hold for a few seconds before lowering it. Repeat with the left leg. Ten repetitions are recommended.

Squats. This exercise helps strengthen the glutes, making sitting down and getting up easier. To complete this exercise, stand with your feet hip-width apart in front of a chair with your back to the chair and your arms crossed over your chest. Then, slowly push your hips back and bend your knees to lower yourself into the chair. As soon as your rear touches the seat, push yourself to return to the standing position.

Bicep curl. This exercise helps strengthen the biceps, making it easier to lift everyday items like boxes or groceries. First, make sure the amount of weight you are using correlates with your current strength. Then, sit in a chair with one dumbbell in each hand, palms facing forward and elbows close to your body. Lift the weights three-quarters of the way to your shoulders while keeping your elbows at your side. Lower the weights and repeat.