Spring cleaning tips for seniors

Spring is a great time to clean and declutter your home. Follow these tips to make the process fun and easy!

Spring is a great time to clean and declutter, so that the inside of your home matches the fresh world outside. Here are some tips for seniors on safe and effective spring cleaning techniques:

24172662 - bucket and wet mopClean out the medicine cabinet. Be sure to rid your medicine cabinet of medications that are no longer relevant. Check expiration dates to ensure medications are still good. If old prescription drugs are mixed with new, the results could be potentially fatal. Take the time to organize prescription drugs by labeling and storing them in a cool, dark and dry place.

Create a checklist. Creating a checklist of the tasks to be completed can make spring cleaning far less daunting. Although spring cleaning consists of general organizing and cleaning tasks, it’s good to be specific about exactly what you want to accomplish. Do you want to clean out the fridge? Or clean out the garage? Now is the time to decide.

Recruit helpers. If you have a house rather than an apartment, cleaning it alone may be impossible. Don’t be afraid to ask family members to help out. Although a full day of cleaning may not seem appealing, it can be fun if it’s a family event!

Avoid lifting heavy objects. Avoid moving heavy objects on your own, as you could injure your back. Also, avoid standing on unstable objects like chairs to reach high spots or to change light bulbs.

Consider relocation if necessary. If you complete the spring cleaning process and realize you are unhappy with your situation or in an unsafe environment, relocation could be the best option. This is the time in your life to feel safe and comfortable.