How seniors can improve balance and posture

Maintaining correct balance and posture becomes more difficult as you age. Consider these tips to help combat these issues!

Maintaining the correct balance and posture becomes more difficult as we age, due to weaker muscles and decreased activity. However, this problem can easily be combatted with proper nutrition and exercise. Seniors should consider these tips to help minimize balance and posture problems:

37846885_M1. Arm exercises

Arm exercises, like bicep curls, front raises and overhead press, can help improve posture and balance by building muscle. Although these are simple exercises, they may become too challenging if you add too much weight too quickly. Start out with small 3-pound weights and slowly work your way up from there.

2. Yoga

Yoga is a popular exercise to improve posture and flexibility. Yoga can also improve mental health and reduce the risk of high blood pressure. Some helpful poses for seniors include the “tree pose” (stand on one foot with free foot pressed against supporting leg) or the “warrior II” pose (stand with arms held open, feet wide, a bend in one knee). You won’t need any equipment to practice these poses. Just grab some comfortable clothing, a yoga mat and a water bottle!

3. Stretching

Specialized stretching exercises can offer a host of health benefits for seniors, because it can help to release muscle tension and improve balance and coordination. Seniors can target different parts of the body while stretching, including the neck, shoulders, chest and back. To get the most out of stretching, you should consider taking deep breaths and slowly exhale while completing the stretch and holding for about 30 seconds. To reduce the chance of injury, avoid bouncing or overstretching.

By incorporating these tips into your routine, you should start to see small improvements in balance and posture. Plus, activity will make you feel happier, healthier and more productive throughout the day!